Qualifications-led Licensing Regime
click here to review the Qualifications- Led Licensing Regime "PDF"
Exams for the UAE nationals Working in BrokerageCompanies
- The SCA provides a free of charge exam for the first timeof each test for all UAE Nationals working the Brokerage Companies.
Exams for the UAE nationals who are not Working inBrokerage Companies
- The SCA provides a free of charge for the UAE Nationalsnon-working with the Brokerage Companies for the first time of each test. TheSCA bears 50% of the exam fees for re-sitting for the exam for the first time.
Exam for Brokerage Companies Employees working inProfessions not Compatible with Exams System
- The SCA Training Centre admits applications submitted bythe Brokerage Companies Employees who are in professions not compatible with theexam system and not accredited by the SCA.