As part of our efforts to reach people with limited mobility and accessibility to the UAE Government services, we have designed the Securities & Commodities Authority website with enhanced features that will ease the experience of dealing with us.
Following are some of the features on our portal that aim to benefit people with different abilities
About SCA
Here you can find the details about SCA including the Establishment, Strategic Goals, Vision, Mission and Messages from Chairman and CEO. This section also includes the details of the SCA Departments and the main contact numbers, which will help the visitor to reach the responsible persons.
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Rules and Regulations
This section includes
- SCA Law - which gives detailed information about SCA and main responsilities falling under the authority, as well as the updates that were added since issued.
- Regulation - list of regulation issued to organize the tasks of registeration, and supervision of the regulated firms
- Circulars
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International Relations
Includes list of MOUs that were signed with similar entities, as well as information about SCA participation in IOSCO and the United Arab Securities Assosation.
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News and Events
Archive news of SCA can be found and browsed through this section, and also the calendar which list all events organized by SCA including workshops and seminars
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Regulated Firms
The visitor can browse through this section to have an idea about the different entities regulated by SCA, including:
- Markets: Local Securities and Commodities Markets in the United Arab Emirates.
- Public Joint Stock Companies (PJSC): Includes the procedures for PJSC to register or to be listed in local markets, it also include updated list of the currently listed and registered companies
- Mutual Funds: procedures related to mutual funds can be find here, as well as list of registered mutual funds (local and foriegn)
- Financial Services: Other entities related to financial services can be find here, their procedures and listing
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The list is divided as per SCA clients, and it contains information about each service in Service Card Format
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Open Data
Include reporting center which is used to give details about trades happening in the local markets, and PJSC performance indicators. it includes also list of awareness brouchers and magazines issued by SCA, the users can easily export the required information to Open Data formats like Word or EXCEL or XML.
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Through this list our visitors can participate with SCA, and use different provided methods to communicate with SCA, including the Social Communication Sites like Facebook and Twitter, or through SCA Forum. This will help SCA review all comments or complaints received and provide best services to the visitors and clients.
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Through this page you will be able to check the most frequent questions and answers submitted to SCA
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